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8 SONGS we think will be "UNDESERVED" VICTIMS of....

8 SONGS we think will be "UNDESERVED" VICTIMS of....

Postby kompamagazine » Thu Mar 30, 2017 12:50 pm



It's been a few months, and in some cases 1 year PLUS since these bands CDS have been released on the market. I can already sense how some of the scenarios are being played out by the bands...dictated by the fans and other circumstances; and based on those observations, I AM HERE TO DECLARE THE 8 SONGS WE THINK WILL BE "UNDERSERVED" VICTIMS of not reaching the potential that WE THINK THEY CAN ACHIEVE....if they were given the VIP TREATMENT by the BANDS and FANS.


*NU LOOK "Rien Que Toi": MY FAVORITE SONG ON THE LAST NU LOOK CD without a doubt. This is the song that actually was getting the MOST HITS on our KM SOUNDCLOUD when it was released at the same time as the single "Until When", and "Haiti, Quel Espoir". The minute that the maestro decided to employ the strategy of trying to push "UNTIL WHEN" down the consumer's throats...and wanted the focus AWAY from "Rien Que Toi"...I KNEW IMMEDIATELY that the song was not going to get the same response and push that it DESERVED. Yes "Until When" has done well for Nu Look; but in my honest opinion...when the NU LOOK maestro gave the order to the entourage to push THAT SONG for now..."Rien Que Toi" lost the steam that it had at the beginning. THAT IS A SHAME because I do believe that that song could have been a MAJOR HIT FOR NU LOOK. Now, you have different ears/eyes listening and admiring OTHER SONGS on the NU LOOK I would be VERY SHOCKED if NU LOOK made a second music video and chose "Rien Que Toi" as the choice. Even so...would it be a case of too little too late? NO IDEA. I am still STEAMING that this song was not the first one that was pushed as the first single because OUT OF THE GATE....THE FANS HAD MADE THEIR CHOICE.....until they were instructed that the maestro would go with another one.

*HARMONIK "FE M KONFYANS": I have been extremely vocal how I think this song could become the official Haitian wedding song of 2017. I have been very clear that in my opinion, that song should get a major push...unfortunately, the HARMONIK CD has other songs that have priority because they are very popular with the majority of the public. Their CD has so many good songs, that I do believe that there are a couple of songs that will GET PUNISHED because of that...and unfortunately I BELIEVE MY SONG (This One we're talking about here) WILL be one of matter how many times Sanders Solon disagrees with me. "Benyin m", "Incroyable", "Simplicité" have been the first 3 to jump out of the gate from this CD...and with "pap Negosie w" lurking behind.....I fail to see how THIS SONG will see daylight for Harmonik...enough for them to start playing it LIVE on time" for it to make an impact. I don't see it pulling another "MESI" here and THAT'S TOO BAD. HARMONIK FLUSH MIZIK MWEN AN! LOL!

*KREYOL LA "RENDEZ VOUS": The KREYOL LA cd had quite a few songs on there that I appreciated...but THIS ONE RIGHT HERE was MY JAM. "Pap kanpé pou lumyè rouj sauf si LOULOU banm Groove" GUITAR....ANMWEYYYYY. You see how long the CD has been out, and the videos that were shot for the CD were "Triyé/B4 & After", and "Turn Me On". I don't see the group investing in another video at this Mwen pa pansé mizik la pral fe bruit mwen te pansé li pral fè a. This was a PURE THROWBACK to the Konpa Kreyol days...and unfortunately K.L did NOT capitalize on it.

*ZENGLEN "Lajan Monté Bwa": In my opinion...THE BEST UPTEMPO SONG ON THE CD, and the song that COULD have sold FRÉRO and ZENGLEN when the band decided to go on PAUSE MODE when WID's traveling issues were not yet resolved. A big mistake in my opinion in NOT doing a music video for the song during that period. Is it too late to SAVE THIS CD and instead focus on a brand new CD with new tracks? L'avenir dira le reste...but Zenglen F*** UP BIG TIME with THIS ONE!

*KLASS "Sé Ou Seul Mwen Genyin": This is a song that did NOT make the first CD; but they held it and put it on the second one. I have been raving about this track ever since Richie made me listen to it BEFORE THE FIRST CD CAME OUT...but I should have known that the writing was on the wall for the IMPORTANCE that the maestro was going to give this track...when he KINDA brushed it off as an interpretation...which indicated to me that he had NO OTHER PLANS FOR THIS SONG THAN TO MAKE IT GET ON THE CD. I still love this song and press the REWIND BUTTON whenever I put on the Klass CD. Having said that, when you have songs like "Map Marye", "Lajan Séré", "I'm Sorry" and others on the kind of understand a little bit why it did NOT get the DESERVED LOVE that it needed...but that does NOT mean that I agree.

*T-VICE "This Time It's 4 Real": Song immediately grabbed me when I first heard it on the CD. T-Vice is known as a band who WASTES A LOT OF POTENTIAL HITS by ignoring them and deciding to push their personal favorites, but on this CD they actually got their FIRST SINGLE STRATEGY right by going with the popular "MOVING ON"...instead of their usual UPTEMPO drop. YES,I do believe there are other songs that are "more hit ready" than this one such as the 2 Club bangers "J'en ai Marre", and "Voyé Monté", as well as the "Eské" track; but something about this song just keeps pulling me in and not letting me go....and I am NOT the only one. Having said that, with all these tracks on the T-Vice cd ahead of it in the pecking order ...maybe it's time that I start making "funeral plans" for my beloved song....unless T-Vice proves me wrong on this one.

*DISIP: "J'ai Brulé Les Étapes": The song that I warned the industry about BEFORE THE CD CAME OUT. Unfortunately it already had a few things working AGAINST IT FROM THE DISIP CAMP before it came out, such as GAZZMAN saying to me that it would be hard for him to perform the song LIVE because it was such a personal story; as well as manager Patrick Fabre telling me as well BEFORE THE CD CAME OUT that he did not really think this song would do anything for the group. Needless to say that the song came out and it is doing its thing....BUT "not" to the level that I think that it could...and that's really because DISIP HAS TOO MANY OTHER SONGS ON THE CD THAT ARE DOING WELL FOR THE GROUP. In other words...IT KIND OF GOT LOST IN THE SHUFFLE. Believe it or not, I believe that IF THIS SONG was on the SECOND DISIP CD; it would have gotten the attention that it deserves; unfortunately, the song finds itself on THIS GAZZMAN DISIP CD...and it is paying the price for that.

*ENPOSIB: "ZENGENDENG": I have been to 2 ENPOSIB shows so far, and I must say that I am surprised that they have not played this song yet. It is actually one of the MORE UPTEMPO SONGS that they have on their CD...along with "Ralé Zam". Don't get me wrong, the songs that they currently have on their LIVE set DESERVE TO BE HIGHLIGHTED; but I thought that THIS ONE WOULD STAND OUT since it is one of 2 MORE UPTEMPO that they have on their CD. I hope DOUB 6 pa mouri nan min ENPOSIB by ignoring this track LIVE."

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